Bell Curve The Law Talking Guy Raised by Republicans U.S. West
Well, he's kind of had it in for me ever since I accidentally ran over his dog. Actually, replace "accidentally" with "repeatedly," and replace "dog" with "son."

Friday, December 07, 2007

Getting Rid of the Evidence at the CIA

By now you have probably heard about the destruction of videos of "enhanced interrogations" by the CIA. I won't repeat the details of the story here as you can find them yourself easily enough on any of the news links on the right.

One would be justified in speculating that the leadership in the CIA fears prosecution under a Democratic administration in 2009. At the very least I think we safely assume that the videos would "shock the conscience" and so would violate the Bush administration's own self-serving rules and standards for redefining torture.


Dr. Strangelove said...

I am sure RbR is correct that these CIA videos would have been hard evidence of torture. I am sure that is why they have vanished from view. But does anyone else find it difficult to believe that all copies of the videos have actually been destroyed?

Raised By Republicans said...

I think Dr. S. is right. There have to be other copies. Either they got useful information from these interogations or they didn't. If they didn't then destroying the videos (and all copies) just suggests that either torture isn't effective or they got the wrong guy. If they did get useful information from these interogations, then they HAVE to keep copies to preserve the record of the intelligence.

Would the CIA say they destroyed something to prevent people from asking for it in some future investigation? Hmmm, I wonder...

Anonymous said...

Even with all of that, someone little CIA minion somewhere spirited the copies out and they are sitting in a basement in VA somewhere.

In about 30 years, we will suddenly hear about them turning up for auction somewhere, or donated to the national archives.

Raised By Republicans said...

OK, so we have to come up with some exotic sounding nickname for that hypothetic video thief..."Deep Basement?"

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