Bell Curve The Law Talking Guy Raised by Republicans U.S. West
With proper funding I'm confident this little baby could destroy an area the size of New York City. Well, he's kind of had it in for me ever since I accidentally ran over his dog. Actually, replace "accidentally" with "repeatedly," and replace "dog" with "son." I am looking forward to an orderly election tomorrow, which will eliminate the need for a violent blood bath. Yes, I am proud to be America's first straight female President.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Nature and Quality of American Democracy

A recent comment and tangent to an earlier thread about the Middle East has lead to a request for a new thread on the nature and quality of American democracy. One anonymous commenter argued that the US "Never has, never will be a democracy." This commenter started by implying that anyone who disagreed with this view was suffering from a "delusion." I hesitate to engage such statement but US West would like to discuss it and I respect her so here is my first pass at starting just such a conversation.

First, I think it is important to understand that whether a country is a democracy or not is about the process used to determine policies not about policy outcomes. This is consistent with most of the political science research on the nature of democracy. A good example of this kind of literature is Polyarchy by Robert Dahl. It’s an old book but the definition of “polyarchy” (the term Dahl coins for regimes that are close enough to the democratic ideal as makes little difference), or something very much like it has become the standard working definition of democracy in political science. Dahl’s definition is about process not outcomes. He does not say “democracies have income disparity measures between this and this level” or “anything other than minimal flat taxation is undemocratic” or “democracies have this level of welfare spending” or “democracies have this level of unionization.” Rather he focuses on whether there are free and competitive elections and freedom of the press, speech, association etc. But this view goes far beyond the personal views of Robert Dahl. The process not outcomes definition is the standard in the field.

Second, given the standard definition of democracy, we can say that the United States is clearly a representative democracy (Dahl would call it a “Polyarchy” but that’s just semantic preference on his part really). We enjoy free, competitive elections. We also enjoy a range of rights that support the free competitive nature of those elections namely: freedom of association, freedom of the press, freedom of speech etc. We also enjoy a relatively stable rule of law with an independent judiciary and the right to due process before our life, liberty or property is taken away by the state (with some relatively isolated exceptions which we have complained about on this blog before). Any assertions that the United States is not a democracy are either based exaggerated definitions of democracy that make it an ideal that is impossible to attain (and so not a practical basis for reasoned discussion) or based on erroneous or highly selective use of evidence.

For example, debating about the degree of income inequality in the country, or the level of unionization etc really amounts to a debate about policy outcomes. Framing such a debate in terms of “my view represents democracy and the opposing view does not” is not really productive either for reasoned policy debate or a reasoned discussion of what democracy is.

All that said, there are useful questions about how our processes could be reformed (I might say "improved"). For example, money plays a big role in our elections because of the nature of our campaign finance laws. A reasoned person could argue that the representative quality of our democracy would be improved by instituting something like public financing for campaigns. Another example, commonly raised, is that our primary and secondary electoral rules distort representation. Specifically, some people would prefer that the US adopt a more proportional electoral system such as proportional representation, the single transferable vote or alternative list method for counting votes and assigning seats in the legislature. Others focus on how district shapes are assigned. Still other reform advocates suggest that voting should be made mandatory. But none of these dimensions of possible reform are of the order that we would expect to see if we were to claim that the US is not a democracy.


USWest said...

The US is a Democracy, but at the moment, it is not producing democratic outcomes. I think outcomes are really what does matter here. To exclude them is to be very narrow in your evaluation. Our democracy hinges on the idea of equality and fairness. Neither are present at the current time. Every system contains the seeds of its own destruction if not maintained and respected.

No, you don't literally need a level of unionization. But there is a level of civic engagement that is required, participation and the like. Unions are just one avenue for this. In past posts, I recall RBR pointing to studies by political scientists that listed some interesting measures, literacy, GDP per capita and the like as benchmarks for when a desire for democracy takes hold. I argue that you also need a certain distribution of wealth for Democracy to hold and remain firm. That is the larger implication of literacy rates and GDP per capita measures. You need a literate, preferably educated, middle class.

What we have is a system that intends to be a Democracy and is built to be. But the system is being subverted and used by ill-intended, disturbed people who wish to dismantle it?

Are the elections really free and fair? Again, we have had many instances of election problems- Bush v. Gore being one, Kerry in Ohio being another, the removal of Gray Davis in California by a heavily monnied campaign, the entire proposition system is yet another example, etc. Is it free and fair when two parities so dominate the system that third parties are locked out? Is it free and fair when money dominates (recent wins by Jerry Brown being remarkable)? That is much more than just a "campaign Finance" system failure.

I argue that if the policy outcomes produced by the system fail to deliver on the promise of the system, then we need to ask some tough questions. We are promised freedom of association, freedom or the press, freedom of speech, but I argue that we aren't really enjoying those things.

I can't associate with a union if the laws produced by my ever so Democratic system prevent unionization. Is there really free press if all the major media outlets are owned and funded by only a few companies who often dictate editorial bylines? Is there an independent judiciary if half the DAs and judges are elected and the other half who are appointed stay forever. Does the system feel to me like Democracy if I am forced to surrender my day in court and cop a plea just to avoid the legal fees and court costs? If DA is more interested in getting a notch on his/her belt for career advancement than real justice, is that done in support of Democracy or justice?

Look at the real lives of real people and you see all over that our Democracy is falling down. It is, after all, the people that make Democracy. The laws, the rules, the system are part of a framework that people drive and maintain. At the end of the day, most political scientists and a good number of socialists will say that the outcomes not just the framework define the system.

In my view, there are enough elements of plutocracy and oligarchy in this system that our Democracy is being subverted and undermined. It is serious enough to make some people question if we really still have a Democracy, or just the appearance of one.

Anonymous said...

In civics classes, I was always taught that democracy was a majority rule form of government with some built in protections for the minority. That has been totally bastardized. Bush 43 was a mild dictator and did not win the popular vote. Senators from states with 3 electoral college votes, can block bills that benefit the nation and the world for that matter, like the nuclear arms treaty, and they may represent only one half of one percent of the population. All politics then, is not local but national and geopolitical in US politics...I do not think that is any way, democracy at work.

Raised By Republicans said...

US West,

I disagree with your basic premise. Namely that there are such things as democratic outcomes and undemocratic outcomes. Democracy is a method of arriving at policy outcomes. It is not a particular set of outcomes.

As for the necessity of "civic engagement" (aka civic culture, aka civil society etc etc). That much is well established in the literature. But if we compare civic engagement in the US to other countries we find that the US is A LOT more like other well established, stable democracies (like Western Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan etc) than it is like authoritarian countries like Cuba or even new democracies like Mexico.

As for the fairness of elections, as flawed as the 2000 and 2004 elections in Florida and Ohio were they are easily declared free and fair when compared to elections even in a country like Italy (where the PM personally controls 80% of the TV air time).

RE: Unions. I'm against the kinds of restrictions on collective bargaining being proposed by some GOP governors. And I'm against the restrictions they have on automatic dues paying and membership etc. These certainly end laws that had been passed to make it easier for unions to recruit and function. But I'm not going to agree with you that there is any law or even any legislative proposal that would ban your right to join a union.

When I look around I see the effects of an economic recession. I see the effects of decades of misguided economic policies. And I see people genuinely suffering because of those outcomes. But I do not see "democracy falling down." I think that's just misidentifying the problem which potentially leads to proposing the wrong solutions. The problem is that the wrong people won the last election. The problem is not that the elections have been undermined in any significant way.

Raised By Republicans said...


"Bush 43 was a mild dictator and did not win the popular vote." But he did win the election according the rules we have in place plus the due process interference of the Supreme Court (again, an institution with enormous democratic legitimacy compared to the kind of "dictatorship" you claim existed at the time).

As for the accusation that Bush was a dictator. I think Bush was a son of bitch. And I think he exceeded his constitutional authority on a number of issues. But his worst abuses were reigned in by the 2006 election results and he was eventually replaced by a political opponent with significantly different policies. That doesn't happen in non-democracies.

As for the ability of individual Senators to block legislation, I'm annoyed by it when it blocks stuff I like, but I'm glad for it when it blocks stuff I don't like. The bottom line is that it is in the rules of the Senate that it is possible and the rules of the senate are agreed upon by a majority of elected Senators. It's not like some committee of Oligarchs imposed the rule on us by force.

Throwing around over the top, alarmist assertions about the US not being a democracy "in any way" is just absurd.

The Law Talking Guy said...

I fully agree that the need to raise money before engaging in democratic politics seriously harms the middle class and working class in this country. It is bad and getting worse. But American politics as a whole is becoming more democratic. What do I mean by this? You have to balance. The system is much more democratic than it was 50 years ago when non-whites couldn't vote most places and political parties were run out of infamous smoke-filled rooms. The revolutions in primary elections, party openness, and yea even the internet have been a positive counterbalance to the effect of money money money on the system. Barack Obama could not have won the Democratic nomination or the presidency 50 years ago for a whole host of reasons, only one of which is his race. Citizen participation through small donations on the internet rocked 2008. As much as I hated it, the Tea Party was also a sign of civic involvement in 2010 that was supported by some of the superrich but outside the party system.

I don't mean to be pollyannish, but I'm just not seeing things getting worse.

Raised By Republicans said...

LTG brings up a number of really good points. Voting rights for non-whites is HUGE. Internet fund raising is too. LTG is right to point to the Obama campaign as an example of many positive developments in American democracy in the last 50 years. I would add to his list of recent advances:

The gradual improvements in equal rights in marriage and military service for gays.

Same day voter registration and "motor voter" registration in many states.

Political blogs are thriving even as corporate interests gain more control of the traditional media like news papers (a dying medium) and TV.

So I think between the points LTG makes and what I've already said, I think it's hard to argue that the US is not best thought of a healthy democracy compared to other countries and its own past.

Wayne Smith said...

Two hundred years ago, voting was restricted to white, male property owners. Although it was considered democracy at the time, today most of us would say that's not good enough. If the women don't get to vote, you can't call yourself a democracy. One hundred years from now, they will look at the type of winner-take-all system we use and say, well, it was sort of democracy, but very primitive.

Raised By Republicans said...

Wayne, I'm not so sure that the plurality electoral system with single member districts (aka "winner take all" or "first past the post") will be considered undemocratic in the future. Many democracies have exactly the same electoral system (the United Kingdom and Canada come to mind).

I'm sure there are people who don't like it - I have to confess I'd prefer proportional representation (by state) at least for the House of Reps. Most supporters of alternative voting systems support them because they are Green supporters. I'm a supporter of it because I think it would marginalize the Religious Right and allow for the rise of a genuinely pro-market, secular party on the center right that could be in a better position to cooperate with the center left. But all that's probably a non-starter.

In any case, I'd hardly say that the way we count votes is inherently undemocratic by any reasonable definition of the term. So long as the same rules apply to all people (regardless of demographic characteristics) consistently around the country, I'm willing to say it's a democratic system.

USWest said...

When times are tough, as they are now for many people, the weaknesses in any system get exposed. People feel less powerful and more disenfranchised. I hope that "more democracy" will result in positive changes and not just 4 million people downloading a 3 year old singing the national anthem with cake all over her face or a cat that is playing patty cake.

Raised By Republicans said...

US West,

Think for second about what the internet did just for fund raising for Obama. He broke all kinds of fund raising records with thousands of small donations. His average donation was so small that it would have been ignored completely by campaigns in the previous electoral cycle. That had an enormous impact on the kind of campaign he ran, the success he had. What's more, it forced the Republicans to break out their wallets just to keep things competitive. The Republican National Committee is $22 million in debt right now. Think about that. The Republicans are going into the 2012 election $22 million in the hole. Why? Because of internet fund raising by Obama and websites like Act Blue etc. The Republicans are starting to catch on to the internet fund raising thing but they are way behind. And their ideology doesn't really appeal to the demographics with the most computer savvy.

On top of that, think about the influence of political blogs. Granted, our little corner of the web is probably fairly trivial. But think about Huffington Post, Daily Kos or Liberal Oasis. They have a real impact on policy.

Now, I'm going to download a video of a baby panda sneezing - it's just so CUTE!

USWest said...

Yes, RBR. But I don't see these $50 contributors going beyond that. Hell, I am not. I sit here in my office all day, trying to produce something useful and make a living. I volunteer as a poll worker to assist the democratic process. I pay my taxes and try to follow the rules. That's my contribution. I don't have the energy for much else, and either do the people working 3 jobs. I don't listen to Fox News or Limbaugh because I choose not to be exposed to that, just like the Right-to Lifer in Georgia ignores Rachel Maddow and the Huffington Post (bought by AOL or did Ariana buy AOL?).

I look out there, I see too much broken, too much inequality, too much injustice to be academic about it. There is too much money sloshing around in all the wrong places, and yes, the wrong people are in control right now. I do not have as much faith in the self-correcting mechanisms of Democracy as you appear to. A,ll systems can be subverted. Evolution does occur, and it ain't always good.

I saw a bumper sticker yesterday. "The bigger the government, the smaller the people". Well, I hate to tell that SUV driver, but the government is the people. And if the people are corrupted, the system is corrupted and thus undermined. It's easy to have a democracy when the times are good and the money is flowing. It's a lot trickier when the times are tough and the injustices have to get worse as very important things, like education, public health and the like are defunded- the very cornerstone of a stable, middle class population.

Wall Street had a record year in bonuses. The average bonus, according to Nightly Business Report on PBS was $124K+. Banks had a block buster year and big oil isn't doing too bad thanks to higher oil prices. Most of the very wealthy of this country refuse to pay more in taxes, and the bankers balk at salary caps while they take tax payer money.

When the poor and working class get really pissed off, then see how democratic things get.

Dr. Strangelove said...

I agree with RbR that the U.S. is a representative democracy, and any assertions to the contrary are really just for rhetorical effect. I also appreciate his point that a democracy is about process and not outcomes.

But although our government is democratic, the government does not hold all the reins of power. Economic power has largely been ceded to the private sector, which probably has as much effect on our lives as the official government. But large corporations (and wealthy who own them) dominate this sector--the private sector is more like a plutocracy.

Of course, many see the free market as an essential part of democracy--especially the right wing--and I am generally agree with this, except I don't really think our patchwork of overlapping oligopolies, and the disproportionately enriched financial institutions that bind it together, really counts as a "free market." While our personal economic choices are free in the sense that they are not forced, they are certainly highly limited based on our class and wealth. The CEO of Goldman-Sachs is a hell of a lot more "free" than me.

So in a larger picture, our democratic federalist system of layered governments is accompanied by what I would argue is an undemocratic economic system. And they are not separate either. Large corporations (and the wealthy who own them) have disproportionate influence on government. And only the rich can afford to buy justice--the courts are effectively closed to those who cannot afford to press their cases.

So while we are certainly a democracy, our society nevertheless suffers from a lot of undemocratic influences. And it is a telling point that, despite the fact that we really could undo many those undemocratic influences at the ballot box, we choose not do so. We like to say that everyone has an equal say, but we also preserve these obvious inequalities in hopes that we may one day join the ranks of the elite whose "say" is "more equal" than others. We do love to have our cake and eat it too.

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