Bell Curve The Law Talking Guy Raised by Republicans U.S. West
Well, he's kind of had it in for me ever since I accidentally ran over his dog. Actually, replace "accidentally" with "repeatedly," and replace "dog" with "son."

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Rumors are flying that the White House will announce the Supreme Court nominee today, or at least during the week. The timing would be perfect for the White House to defray attention from Karl Rove. Look for the nominee to be Edith Clement. She is conservative, of course, but would she be filibustered? I doubt it. Anyone know anything about her?


Anonymous said...

Did LTG bring Clement up before, saying that she was LTG's dark horse nominee? 

// posted by Siddharthawolf

Anonymous said...

I wasn't able to find anything like that in LTG's comments.

Not much seems to be known about Clement, but what is known is a little scary. From The New Republic  (use login and password dailykos):

"Edith Brown Clement, 56. U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Unanimously confirmed in 2001, Clement has written little and therefore might be an appealing stealth candidate. But everything about her record suggests she is an enthusiastic supporter of the Constitution in Exile. This year, for example, Clement joined a blistering dissent by Judge Edith Jones objecting to the application of the Endangered Species Act to protect a rare species of underground bug. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service had denied a group of Texas developers a permit to build a shopping mall on the bugs' habitat, and Clement and Jones objected that protecting bugs was not a commercial activity, criticizing their colleagues for creating "a constitutionally limitless theory of federal protection." The rest of her majority opinions and dissents as an appellate judge contain few clues about her judicial temperament, though she has been willing to enforce Fourth Amendment privacy claims in a few cases. In the absence of more information about her, Senate Democrats should approach Clement with caution."  

// posted by Bell Curve

Anonymous said...

I know very little about her, but thanks for asking. The "Constitution in Exile" is a frightening theory of massive judicial activism - using the judiciary to undo the constitutional order we have had since the mid-20th century.  

// posted by LTG

Anonymous said...

NY Times has confirmed that at 6pm tonight (9pm EDT) the President will announce his SC choice. Probably to coincide with an executive order suspending the bill of rights until further notice on account of terrorism. 

// posted by LTG